So I did a thing last weekend and hosted a land honoring and play party here at my house for 16 people! It felt edgy to me because my friend Brad was leading the group (and there's no telling what Brad will come up with), and I had invited several folks who didn't know each other and were new to this kind of event. I don't think I have been that nervous about an event since I hosted (and attended) my first Cuddle Party at my house about ten years ago. And that's how I roll - I enjoy the threat of impending social awkwardness, it's kind of a kink of mine. I was mostly afraid that some of the guests would feel left out or not enjoy themselves, which is a very real risk at any event that involves erotic energy. I was prepared for that eventuality.
We started with the land honoring ceremony, outside. We created a torus-shaped energetic field for our circle and spent some time talking with the forest. My Inner Forest Fairy loved that. Then we went inside, practiced having a "safer sex" conversation in the time that it would take to go up ten floors on an elevator. Then everyone shared their "mildest and wildest" dreams for the evening. We also did a few other connection exercises and then we were ready to PLAY!
So the first thing that I did was put on my sexy librarian glasses and find a stick to use as a pointer. Then I announced to everyone that they were invited to attend the inaugural Forest Fairy Training School. I put cushions on the floor for classroom "seats" and they were very quickly filled by students - some eager and some naughty.

One student was very bratty and got sent to the principal's office to have her nipples sucked on. Another student was very eager to have class begin. He was sitting with his arms around his knees, rocking back and forth. So I called on him first. I asked him what he thought the first principle of being a good Forest Fairy was... and he answered, like such a good student, "Consent!"
Then I had to gently break it to him that in this school, we are NAUGHTY fairies. So, kind of like for insects or other wild creatures, consent is optional. It feels so naughty to even SAY that, since in this realm of conscious eroticism, I spend so much time teaching consent! But remember, many fairies are quite transgressive.
So then, some of the other students named the other principles that you see here. They were rewarded for their good answers by getting pony rides from other students. I think they sound great. What do you think?

Soon we got to the end of the Training School "game" or "scene" and everyone flowed into other ways to play. There was playful humping, making out, flogging, spanking, more nipple play, energetic sex, so much giggling, music making and all kinds of other frolicking happening throughout my house and outside as well. (And we reverted to the agreed upon practice of observing the highest level of consent possible, of course.)
One of the finales of the evening was Cole playing their guitar for us and sharing their amazingly transcendent vocals and original songs. This is the second time I have had the incredible privilege of being in the audience for one of Cole's "Cuddle Corner Concerts". Cole's voice melts my heart and makes me incredibly grateful to be enjoying concert-quality performance in my own home!

If you're mystified by this notion of a "play party" and what might happen at one, let me tell you that they can go in so many different directions! This one was sweet, playful and had a cohesive community feel, which felt like such a relief, since I was worried that the group wouldn't come together. It did, as you can see. I am grateful for these loving, brave souls who showed up!
Self Care Treat - Coffee Scrub!
In other news, I want to share with you about a little known use for coffee grounds - you can use them to scrub your entire body. The gentle abrasion from the grounds and the coffee oil makes your skin feel so silky smooth! I am enamoured with this "spa" treatment. I love to do this near a creek - I just rinse off in such a way that all the grounds don't go in the water. I like to practice "leave no trace" outdoor ethics as much as is practical. You'll need about a cup's worth to cover your whole self.
Try it while it's still summer and let me know how it goes!

Also, I got a new pink bra. I like the way it holds my girls.

For premium members, you'll find five nudie photos of me below... all of which were taken near water this summer - two under a waterfall, two in a river, one while taking a creek bath... It has been an ecstatic summer.
Hope you're enjoying yourself, wherever you are!