Apparently I still haven't figured out how to operate a calendar. This has been a lifelong challenge.
I apologize for the confusion, the party is actually Thursday evening!
Would anyone like to read emails for me before I send them out? I would need someone who could commit to a less than 24 hour turn around time on proofing/editing. Let me know if you're interested. Maybe I need more than one person? Compensation could be in the form of complementary premium membership.
Also, while I'm here in your inbox, I want to share a little insight about existential tension, that came through in a conversation with Cas Smith, who is bringing so much light and love to my life right now.
Existential tension is the inherent conflict introduced into our bodies, hearts and minds when we hold two seemingly opposing beliefs.
For example: the belief that everything is sacred and the belief that nothing really matters. The ego is great at holding a very fundamental existential tension: I really matter and I don't really matter. Anyone else relate to this one?
Whenever you catch yourself in a thought loop about something - a dilemma that you're facing, perhaps - this thought loop is a form of existential tension. Maintaining this looping tension is like wearing weighted clothes. It's a psychological and conceptual exercise. And it also gets exhausting and rest is needed.
Rest can be found ... in our sense of wonder.
Take off the weighted clothes and wonder at the sense of contradiction, complexity and mystery.
Drop the looping for a moment, and rest in your sense of wonder. Cast your eyes upwards or sideways and let it soften your belly and your heart. Wonder at the stars and the moon, and the trees and the breath of a loved one.
And the world becomes just a little more wonder-full this way.
I hope you can join us for some erotically innocent fun online Thursday evening, September 21st from 7:30 to 9 pm eastern time. Maybe we'll practice flirting, maybe we'll get naked, maybe we'll invent some new super-hero powers... we'll co-create something together based on who shows up and what energy is present.
Click here to learn more and RSVP.