I've had many mentors, teachers, role models in my life. When I sense that someone has some quality, skill or body of knowledge that interests me, I feel attracted to the person, and I move towards them.
I feel that way with Brad. Brad is a healer, a sacred intimate for gay men, a student and teacher of Tantra, a modern day minstrel and his own flavor of erotic shaman. I just got back from spending five days in the Nantahala National Forest, on the shores of a beautiful lake, with Brad and friends. There was frolicking, ceremony, singing, dancing, swimming, breath work, play, sexy times and lots of nudity.
The last day that I was there, I shared with Brad that I consider him a mentor because I really admire his deep faith and the way he connects with and honors nature. He also is so connected to his heart, and he helps me connect to mine. Brad then shared with me that he would also like to receive mentorship from me, because he perceives that I have business skills that he doesn't have. So we've decided to cook up some kind of mutual mentorship situation, and I'm sure it will be growthful for both of us.
For premium members, what you'll find below is a photo of me and Brad having this conversation about mutual mentorship (while totally naked and intertwined with each other) and then a 7:47 unedited video of the wild conversation that we had, expressing love for each other, pig-squealing delight and lots of other nonsense. Enjoy! 🤣
Thank you Marcela McBride for the videography and Alice for the still shots of me and Brad.