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😈 A Rant about Why I don't watch TV

πŸ—“ Members Event Moved to Next Week

⏳ Last chance to sign up for next weekend's Pleasure of Conscious Kink Retreat

I actually TRY to watch TV... because it seems like it would be a good way to relate to other people, and I would like to be more familiar with what's occupying other people's minds and hearts. But it just doesn't work. TV doesn't hold my interest, so I don't watch it. I just had a friend tell me that talking to me about pop culture is pretty much like talking to an Amish person.🀣

Lo and behold, I found a couple of interesting series to watch, but they still managed to REALLY IRRITATE ME!! Here's a blog post about why:

Why I don’t watch TV
I try to watch TV, since it’s really such a part of our cultural narrative. But I run into problems like this one... beware, this post is basically a rant!

This month's members meeting was going to be this week, but I ended up pitching in and taking care of my six-year-old god-daughter Nellie Mae, and this really upended my schedule. So I moved the meeting to next week. It's not too late to sign up to join us. I'll be going over seven skills for charisma, intimacy and personal growth, and guiding us through an assessment of where we are with them.

August Members Meeting - Building Charisma Skills
Join us for our August Members Meeting where I will be describing some of the skills that build charisma. Then I’ll walk you through a gentle self assessment of where you stand with each of these skills, and how you can work on the ones that most interest you.

And lastly, it's not too late to sign up for the Pleasure of Conscious Kink Retreat next weekend with me and Xilverfox. It's at Dancing Shiva Tantra Monastery near Black Mountain, NC. This work has changed my life, y'all. That's why I love teaching it and can't wait to guide you through these experiences of power dynamics, intimacy and self exploration. Nudity will happen at this retreat, but it's not required. No previous kink experience is necessary.

The Pleasure of Conscious Kink
A Tantric Healing Retreat Sept 2 - 3, 2023 Dancing Shiva Tantra Monastery - Black Mountain, NC Please join us in the mountains of western North Carolina for a weekend of conscious kink and pleasure exploration. We’ll be working with the healing power of pleasure and the notion that

Hope to see or hear from you soon!



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