The hottest sex of my life?

At tomorrow's free online Conscious Kink workshop, I'm going to tell you about the hottest sex of my life. I got to live out one of my fantasies, and it was deeply satisfying. And it only happened because I had gained an understanding of myself and how I relate to power dynamics.

This story of hot sex is just one of the things we'll be sharing tomorrow. Conscious Kink is not just about sex. It's much bigger than that. At this workshop, you'll get the opportunity to delve into your own relationship with power dynamics, through an experiential practice.

Then we'll share some details and specifics about our upcoming Pleasure of Conscious Kink retreat, and offer a special bonus to those of you who attend the workshop and then register for the retreat.

I hope to see you there!!

Conscious Kink Workshop - Free Online - July 31
Join Xilverfox and Sarah Belzile for this free online workshop from 7 to 8:30 PM Eastern on July 31st Why is it that the hottest sex of Sarah’s life has resulted from having an understanding of power dynamics?
The Pleasure of Conscious Kink
A Tantric Healing Retreat Sept 2 - 3, 2023 Dancing Shiva Tantra Monastery - Black Mountain, NC Please join us in the mountains of western North Carolina for a weekend of conscious kink and pleasure exploration. We’ll be working with the healing power of pleasure and the notion that