In this newsletter:
- Which event is for you?
Welcome! If you're new to my newsletter and work, I'm glad you found your way here. I share stories, tips, principles, practices and content that are all intended to help you connect more deeply to your most soulful and authentic self, through the portals of sex, intimacy, love, eroticism, power dynamics, nature and play.

I love watching organisms of all kinds unfurl into more expanded versions of themselves. The above pictures are from my recent Spring Equinox Sadhana (spiritual practice). Thanks to all of you who sent prayer requests and support, it was a beautiful experience.
I have so many events coming up!
Too many? I don't think so. I'm excited about all of them! Although I think this might be IT for the year - I am not planning nearly as many events in the second half of the year.
Which one is most appropriate for you?
If you're wanting to lean into your erotic desires and curiosities, and learn more about your most essential nature, I encourage you to shop here for an event that will most nourish you. Find an event that is at your level and perhaps the closest to your comfort zone.
- Are you ready to witness the nudity of others or would you prefer that clothes stay on?
- Would you like an online event or in person?
Level 1 Spiciness 🌶️
If you just want to dip your toe in and stay fully clothed.
- Cuddle Party (earlybird till March 30)
- Domination & Submission (online workshop)
- Office Hours with Sarah (free online)
Level 2 Spiciness 🌶️🌶️
These events are fully clothed also, but will also explore erotic energy.
- PG-18 Play Party (earlybird till March 30)
- Discovering Your Body Erotic for All Genders
Level 3 Spiciness 🌶️🌶️🌶️
These events involve witnessing nudity.
- Pleasure of Conscious Kink Retreat (earlybird till March 31)
- Women Naked in the Woods Retreat (earlybird expires June 1)
- Morning Erotic Practice (weekly online event)
Advanced Level of Spiciness 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
This is a transformative initiation into a greatly expanded sense of eroticism, embodiment and new personal possibilities for intimacy and connection. Yes, there will be nudity. And yes, there will also be genital touch
Questions? I'd love to help you determine which event might be right for you. Just reply to this email.
Hope to see you in one of these circles soon.
Next week:

Also - I am so pleased to be sharing with you this event that my friends in Asheville are presenting - it's going to be an amazing opportunity for learning the reverent art of cock worship. Earlybird Discount ends on April 1st.

Are you considering 1:1 Coaching?
Upcoming Events



